About Us
Technology Insights (TI) was founded in 1991 to capitalize on opportunities related to power industry restructuring, as well as the host of advanced technologies of value to the energy sector that were emerging at that time. We are based in San Diego with a satellite office in Carthage, Tennessee (near Nashville). A core staff of six multi-disciplinary professionals with nearly 200 man-years of technology development, assessment, demonstration and commercialization experience related to advanced energy systems guide TI services. The TI staff draws upon an extensive network of Associates from throughout the industry that

serve to broaden the intellectual base from which uniquely talented teams are formed to optimally serve our clients' needs.
Our principal clients include utilities, utility generating and energy services subsidiaries, power equipment vendors, and project development/management firms that serve the industry. We also provide services to foreign and domestic start-up ventures, venture capitalists, plus other technology and product developers, as well as to R&D organizations and national laboratories. The experience gained from our international clientele spans technologies, products, systems and services that range:
From off-grid or grid-connected distributed and renewable energy resources to centralized power plants and T&D systems
From standby and continuous power quality systems to peak shaving, cogeneration, and demand side management systems
From plant-specific reliability analyses in support of current nuclear power plants to broad support for advanced nuclear-powered gas turbines and process heat applications such as hydrogen production.
Altogether, these resources and experience are the bases of Technology Insights' forte – identifying, assessing and forging energy technology-based initiatives.